UX/UI design Graphic Design Illustration About Me Contact Me My Resume
UX/UI design

Wine Access

This is a major rebranding and website redesign project for an online wine retailer Wine Access. I was driving the restructuring and redesign process solo, and my responsibilities cover everything from brainstorming and user research to crafting wireframes, userflow diagrams, visual elements, layouts, and photography..

My Role: Swiss army knife - UX/UI designer, user researcher, illustrator and photographer.


The old version of the Wine Access homepage had various UI issues, including inconsistent fonts and button styles, low contrast, and elements that seemed disconnected. More significantly, it suffered from multiple UX flow problems, causing frustration for users.


The wine industry has a rich history and culture, which means design solution needs to follow certain rules and be familiar to our audience. To achieve this, I incorporated industry standards into our design system from the start, guiding all design choices.

This design system helped me create a consistent look and feel throughout the Wine Access website. From updating the homepage to improving navigation, simplifying product displays, enhancing product details, and creating brand assets, every part of the website reflects our dedication to quality.

Style guide



Buttons & Forms


New Homepage

To redesign the homepage for maximum user benefit, I closely analyzed user feedback and website usage data. This helped me understand users main pain points and preferences. As a result, I made significant structural changes to the new homepage:

  • Utilized a 12-column grid for responsive design across devices.

  • Introduced sticky navigation for easy access to store products

  • Added a highly requested search option

  • Implemented a hero carousel to focus users on specific topics

  • Included an easy sign-up for daily email offers

  • Featured weekly articles with unique content from our authors

Product Detail Page (PDP)

The challenge on a Product Detail Page (PDP) was to present comprehensive information about the wine being purchased. This involved displaying various criteria and complex details sought by wine enthusiasts and collectors, while also making it visually appealing, educational, and accessible to those less familiar with wine.

Mobile Version


I revamped checkout process to make it easier and faster for users. The new design increased conversion rates and customer satisfaction.


Conversion rate doubled from 1.8% to 3.5% after new website went live

Increase of average order value 2 months after launch

Increase of click through rate after email template redesign

Branding, illustrations and various design assets

Designed & developed by Yulia Chilikina